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Survey on Voices Speaking for Trees

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

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Voices for Goals: Speaking for Trees

Globally, forests cover thirty-one (31) percent of the world's land surface in a total area of just over 4 billion hectares and they play a vital role in balancing the ecosystem. Daily, the felling of trees for various purposes is growing faster than the rate of planting of trees and about 10 million hectares of land are cleared of trees yearly, making deforestation among the top culprits for climate change.

Trees and forests are essential for climate protection, as they absorb significant volumes of
carbon. The task for humanity is to plant trees and mitigate climate change. We want to identify 10 million people who will be “Speaking for Trees”.

The survey elicits information about entities who have joined the "Voices for Goals" campaign and are "Speaking for Trees". The OPiALiZER Show® will organize a "Goals Lecture" to present the outcome of this survey and mobilize humanity for action.

You can watch a video on the campaign on the video slot at the top of this page, via our social media using the handle @opializershow. 

Please take a moment to let us know your major goal for 2024. Your response will be treated in strict confidentiality and used only for analysis.

We look forward to having your response.

OPiALiZER Show® Team

Title: Speaking for Trees

Background Area

Voices for Goal Items

Terms and Conditions

Benefits of taking the Goals Survey
1.   Host an OPiALiZER Show
2.   Organize an Independent Show
3.   Be a Guest of OPiALiZER Show
4.   Run an OPiALiZER Show Franchise
5.   Raise resources to achieve your goals
6.   Support people to achieve their goals
7.   Opportunity to invest in people's goals
8.   Provide mentorship, receive mentorship
9.   Get invited to events relating to your goal
10. Meet people and entities with similar goals
11. Get latest reports on the main goals of others

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