Yearly, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), meets under the umbrella of Conference of Parties (COP) to review progress with the Paris 2015 Climate Change Agreement aimed at checking and reversing climate change.
While achieving the agreements goals are crucial to sustainability, reports indicate that parties and other stakeholders are having issues with financing, emissions cuts, commitment and keeping on track.
This survey aims to elicit data from parties and stakeholders on the goals. The result will assist us in hosting the OPiALiZER Show, Goals Lecture, Goals Challenge, Festival of Goals etc during COP 29 in 2024, to raise resources for parties. The OPiALiZER Show®, Goals Challenge, lectures, festivals, etc will also hold in cities across the world to raise resources and support ongoing efforts. Guest of the show, lecture and challenge will use express, publicize and raise millions of dollars to achieve their climate change goals. We have set out to raise $100bn yearly.
We urge responders to provide info that will assist us in packaging the events. Responses will be held in confidentiality and used only for analysis and planning.
We are therefore pleased in inviting you to spare a moment and take the survey.
We look forward to having your response.
OPiALiZER Show® Team