The coming forth of new life brings joy and calls for celebration. Birthdays are special in the life of individuals, hence, events are held daily to celebrate this day. People mark their birthdays giving thanks to God for their life and accomplishments, spend time with family, friends, associates etc with drinks, food, music entertainment etc. Some birthdays are used to support the less privileged and raise funds for causes. However, birthday celebrations are hardly tied to long term aspirations related to the attainment of sustainability and general good.
OPiALiZER Show® for Birthdays is a platform for individuals or organizations to use birthdays and founders day to engage humanity, express and promote a specific goal whose attainment will boost efforts aimed at achieving sustainability.
Purpose: The show will be used to achieve varied goals that will lead to sustainable development.
a. It’s a forum for recreation and leisure
b. Mobilize people to act for a better world
c. Raise awareness on issues affecting humanity
d. Provide a platform for people to connect and network to achieve shared goals and dreams
e. Provide a forum for brands to support causes relating to the attainment of sustainability
f. Mobilize resources from all over the world to support the goals and dreams of celebrants.
g. Galvanize humanity work for sustainable peace, cohesion, tolerance, co-existence etc
h. Each show will raise funds to assist efforts aimed at achieving sustainability goals.
Individual Birthday Show:
This is suitable for those who wish to use their birthday celebration to focus on achieving a goal of interest especially goals that will boost efforts aimed at achieving sustainability. Individuals can apply for Guests Shows organized by the show team. Individuals who can muster the resources can apply to Host Show.
Group Birthday Shows
These shows will be held for a group of persons ranging from a few, to hundreds, thousands and millions who have interest in a similar goal.
When: OPiALiZER Show® for group
Birthdays will be held regularly to celebrate and task people to achieve
sustainability related goals.
Guests: Guests of the show will comprise people of influence who will lead the show activities by shaping agenda and inspiring other participants to take action to achieve set goals. Typical guests will be people of influence, leaders, activists, opinion moulders etc whose convening power will galvanize other participants to action.
Participation: Persons of various social strata will attend the show and use the platform to galvanize humanity for action to achieve goals. Participants will be grouped on the basis of goals to be achieved. Total participants for the show can be up to one million persons a month.
Participants can also invite persons from other groups to be their supporters and guests.
Host: It can be hosted by an individual, family, group, community, organization, government etc. It will hold in a city that will be chosen based on various factors such as available infrastructure for accommodation, transportation, communication security, etc,
Show Venue: In the city where a show will hold, activities will hold in designated places such as convention centres, gardens, parks, indoor and outdoor arena etc which can hold significant number of persons.
Access to venue: Invitation, Sponsorship, Partnership and Tickets.
Special activity: A Goals
Challenge is an activity that will make use of the Opia Goals Sport© to
demonstrate the attainment of goals and mobilize resources from across
the world to achieve a goal.
Opportunities for Group Birthday Shows1. The show will be used to promote, advertise and sell brands during and after the show.
2. A sizeable amount of celebrants will receive funds to enable them achieve their goals.
3. Participants will benefit from a yearly $60bn fund that will support sustainability projects
4. Thousands will attend and be trained on goals achievement, inspired by the framework of the
Opia Goals Model©
Independent Birthday ShowsAn individual or entity can host a Founder’s Day or Birthday show which can be private or public.
When: Independent OPiALiZER Show® for Birthdays is one that is organized by celebrants who have the tools needed to organize shows. Sch shows are held to celebrate the guest’s birthday. Guest: The celebrant is the show guest who will use the show to shape agenda for their friends, relations, associates, supporters, admirers, etc to take action to achieve goals. Participation: Independent Birthday Shows are typically private shows but the celebrant may wish to make it public and sell tickets to the audience.Host: The celebrant is the guest and host of an Independent Birthday Show. The show can also be hosted for the guest by an individual, family, group, individual, community, organization, government etc that the celebrant associates with. Show Venue: An Independent Birthday Show can hold in any place the celebrant chooses such as private residence or office, or public places like gardens, parks, indoor and outdoor arena etc.
Access to venue: Attendance at Independent Birthday Shows can be by invitation, sponsorship, partnership and tickets which will be sold here
Show activities: Interviews, entertainment, polls, surveys, fund raising, Goals Challenge, goodwill messages, etc
Special activity: A Goals Challenge is an activity that will make use of the Opia Goals Sport© to demonstrate the attainment of goals and mobilize resources from across the world to achieve a goal.
Opportunities Independent Birthday Shows
1. The show will be used to promote goals
2. The celebrant can use the show to mobilize resources to achieve s specific goal
3. The celebrant can use it to promote, advertise and sell brands during and after the show.
Tools for celebrating birthday shows
Birthday show guests will use tools provided at an OPiALiZER Goals Centre® which can be in a permanent or mobile structure sited in strategic places in cities. Entities who wish to organize independent shows can own a mini or large OPiALiZER Goals Centre® which can be permanent or mobile. The centre comprises:
a. Goals Model Room having the novel Opia Goals Model©, which will be used to model goals to be achieved and a laptop having the OPiALiZER Software©, that will be used to create a project representing the model;
b. An indoor or outdoor Goals Sport© Arcade where court(s) for the Opia Goals Sport© will be installed and used in a Goals Challenge to show how the goal will be achieved and
c. A novel OPiALiZERS Community© for sharing guests projects and events streaming.
The model and court(s) can be customized with artifacts such as images of the guest.
Broadcasting: Live streaming of shows will be on:1. @Opiaizershow handle on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & X 2. OPiALiZERS Community© when livestreaming of events is fully activated Here
3. Mainstream cable TV broadcast partners including Cable TV Networks