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OPiALiZER Show Goals Center

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

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OPiALiZER Goals Center®

This This is a place, facility, space, environment etc where OPiALiZER Show® activities are mounted and carried out in part of in full. Thus, the centre is any setting where the facilities for organizing a show are laid out and used by guests and others. It is a setting for the expression and realization of goals, dreams, visions agenda, aspirations etc. Individuals and entities can set up Goal Centres for their personal use and benefit.

Features of an OPiALiZER Goals Centre®
a. It can be cited in a private or public space.
b. Owners can fix ticket prizes for their events to earn revenue
c. Owners have great control over revenues and resources raised.
d. It can be customized with the preferred name, alias, logo, flag, catch phrase, brand, symbol, emblem, Coat of Arms etc of the owner.

Benefits of the OPiALiZER Goals Centre®

a. A place to express and showcase goals
b. Provide training, coaching and mentoring
c. Provide a means for leisure and entertainment
d. Host product launch and engage stakeholders
e. Host Independent Shows and Goals Challenge
f. Mobilize resources from humanity to achieve goals
g. Organize shows to promote peace and co-existence
h. Host shows to promote goals and generate revenue varied sources
i. Incubate and accelerate goals to aid their realization and enrich lives
Size of the OPiALiZER Goals Center®
Home: This is suitable for use by an individual, couple and family. The Goals Model Room can be set up in a home while the Opia Goals Sport© Arcade can be set up outdoors or indoors.
Small: This will suit a group, club, association, society, community, etc with members within a country and having a secretariat, town hall, etc that can accommodate the room and arcade,
Medium: This Goals Center meets the needs of entities with small staff, client and customer base.
Large: This center meets the needs of entities like
a. Educational entities with students and staff
b. Big firms having large number stakeholders, customers and staff base in within a country.
Mega: This center is suitable for entities like
a. Governments at the provincial, district, state and national level who contend with the goal of meeting the aspirations of citizens.
b. International, continental regional, multilateral organizations the United Nations, European Union, African Union, World Bank, etc whose operations cuts across countries.

Amenities for the center: The center will typically comprise:
1. A Goals Model Room that is furnished with laptop(s) which will house the OPiALiZER Software©.
2. The OPiALiZER Software© will be used to design projects for the goal under focus based on the logic of the Opia Goals Model©. The project will be shared to mobilize support.
3. An Opia Goals Sport© Arcade where court(s) for the sport will be installed indoors or outdoors within the vicinity of the center. Owners of the center will use the sport for a Goals Challenge to execute their goals model, while also serving as a tool for fundraising, learning, entertainment, fitness, etc

Further opportunities
The OPiALIZER Goals Center® can be used for other purposes including those that will yield revenue for the owner.

a. Run skills trainings on the subject of goals
b. Train people on sustainable development
c. Organize courses especially those that rely on the framework of the Opia Goals Model©
d. Host receptions, meetings, conferences, etc
e. Organize a mini mart, sales promos etc
f. Provide employment for the center managers.
g. The center can house a restaurant and bar to provide nourishment and refreshment

Ownership of the OPiALiZER Goals Center®
The center can be set up by an entity that wants to organize shows and Goals Challenge to provide entertainment, recreation, learning etc and mobilize resources to achieve goals

a. Individual: for self, friends, relations, guests
b. Home: family members and their friends can use the center for shows
c. Group: for members, friends and relations.
d. School: for staff, students and management
e. Business: for customers, staff, management, clients etc. Firms can use the center to engage the public and boost their brands.
f. Non-profit organization: can host shows and events to achieve goals.
g. Community: for the use of members, residents, their guests and visitors.
h. Hotel: Guests, staff, management and the public can use the center.
i. Government: operationalize agenda, visions, goals, manifesto, showcase projects, sensitize, educate, engage and galvanize the public, as well as mobilize resources for projects.

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