News Flash : The Goals Initiative will roll out in 2025 to help entities achieve varied goals   |   News Flash : The OPiALiZER Show will power the Goals Initiative   |   News Flash : The Goals Initiative seminars will sensitize humanity in much of 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024


Register to Give A Goals Lecture

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

2d 3d D 4DX Imax 3D


  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins


We are glad to have your interest in joining the esteemed college of Speakers for the Goals Lecture, a novel platform for thought leadership on goals. Speakers are expected to use the platform to mobilize r4sources to implement any action flowing from the lecture.  The platform is open to persons with inspiring personality and convening power whose thoughts will trigger action. We invite goal and agenda setters, thought leaders, opinion moulders etc including Presidents, Prime Ministers, Mayors, Diplomats, Religious leaders, Entrepreneurs, Business leaders, Royals, Celebrities, Activists, Researchers, Youths, Students, etc to join us in enriching discourse and bettering humanity.
Please find time to review the form to know what information you will need in completing the form. This Expression of Interest will enable us collate your interests to enable us furnish you with additional information on on the lecture.
We look forward to having your response.

OPiALiZER Show® Team

Register As Goals Lecturer

Background Area

Lecture related Items

Impact of Lecture on people

Links to your Social Media Handles

Enabling Innovations for the Goals Survey
a.    Opia Goals Model©, which will be used to capture the goal to be achieved;
b.    OPiALiZER Software©, that will be used to create a goals model representing the goal;
c.    OPiALiZER Social Media© where goals projects will be posted & events streamed live.
d.    Opia Goals Sport©, will showcase how the goal will be achieved and mobilize resources

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