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OPiALiZER Show Goals Interview

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

2d 3d D 4DX Imax 3D


  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins








Preamble for
Goals Interview
A Goals Interview like others gives guests a platform to address varied topics. However, it is unique in that it is built around a goal, its context called COPIA, the environment, resource imperatives and commitment. Thus, the interview is a platform for sharing ideas, opinions, thoughts, dreams, visions, agenda, goals etc that will advance the frontiers of knowledge and open vistas for efforts aimed at attaining sustainability.

Objectives of Goals Interview
a. Stimulate discourse on goals
b. Project varied context on goals
c. Proffer solutions that address goals
d. Mobilize resources to drive goal achievement
e. Educate, enlighten and sensitize people on goals

The Goals Interview Way

1. It is unique in purpose, structure, functionality, essence, style, approach, philosophy etc
3. It uses the Opia Goals Model© in setting interview goals, agenda and generating content.
4. It is friendly, non-confrontational, non-invasive, non-scandalous, endearing and goal-centric.
5. It provides a platform for education, learning, entertainment, engagement, networking etc.

The Goals Interview Advantage
a. Provide income stream for interview guest;
b. Promotes any brand, cause, product service;
c. Mobilizes support for a guests project and cause;
d. Transforms interviews into a resource mobilization.

Participants of Goals Interview
These are persons and entities who identifies with and share in the ideology of the guest and will add their thoughts to enrich the presentation and policy actions that will emerge.
Guest: An entity whose presence will raise interest, discussions and attendance of the interview.
Supporters: These are entities who identifies with and share in the ideology of the guest and will add their thoughts to enrich the presentation and policy actions that will emerge.
Chair of the interview: A person who will preside over the interview and provide thought leadership
Moderator: One who will ensure that the interview follows the order specified
Discussants: Persons’, who will dissect the interview, give insights and illuminate the Implications of the interview.
Host: An individual, group, family, community, organization, government etc that formally serve as host of the interview. The host may provide a physical venue where the lecture will host.
Audience: This will comprise of these segments.
General Audience: The interview is open to members of the public who are interested in the goal the guest will focus upon.
Special Audience: This include any individual, community, family, group, organization, school, government whose goals, interest, bottom line etc will be positively impacted by the interview and the resources to be mobilized to support the goal.


Settings for a Goals Interview
Format: The interview can be: On the record, Off the record, Background interview, Off-the-record interview, Email interview, Broadcast interview, On-the-record interview, Meet-and-Greet interview, etc
Media: It can be conducted remotely or in-person based on the guests preferences. The interview can be recorded for broadcast or broadcast live on the OPiALiZERS® and other platforms like Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Linkedln etc, to carry followers of the guest along.
Duration: It can run for 30-45mins to 1 hour depending on the guest preferences
Venue: In-person interviews will hold at a venue physical location chosen by the guest
Day: On days of symbolism to the guest such as inauguration, birthday, anniversary, milestone etc
Expectation: Audiences will respond with resources to support the a guest seek to achieve
The interview focuses on any relating to a goal of interest to a guest which will directly or remotely impact on sustainability. It is based on any goals that the guest wants to promote or is promoting
Tools:  It is powered by a novel Opia Goals Model©, Goals Sport© and OPiALiZER software©.
Questions:  To enable a guest achieve a desired goal, questions can be sent in advance  
Discussions: A panel of persons who are grounded on the goal under focus, may be invited to dissect the interview responses to shed more light
Outcomes: These will follow out of the interview
a. News: We will generate news worthy items for our Goals Daily, Goals Weekly, Goals Monthly, Goals Yearly, Goals Monitor and Goals Raiders.
b. Policy: We will articulate the guest’s thoughts and  evolve the policy implications for action

Post Interview Action: A Goals Survey is conducted to elicit feedback that will enable the guest to validate the views expressed during the interview.
Ethics: On a general note, guests are required to avoid making comments that can be classified as hate, defamatory, scandalous, witch-hunting, bullying, racial profiling, and any such language or utterances that will cause divisions rather than oneness, harmony etc.  


1. It is a place for thought leadership on goals
2. It offers scholars, experts, leaders, policy makers, activists, etc a platform to x-ray any goal  
3. Interviews are organized independently, as part of a regular OPiALiZER show or Goals Challenge.
4. The interview is structured on the philosophy and logic of the Opia Goals Model©, which focuses on goals, moderating context, resources needs etc.

Coverage: Live streaming of shows will be on:
1. @Opiaizershow handle on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, X and LinkedIn
2. At full scale on OPiALiZERS Community©
3. Mainstream TV broadcast partners
including Cable TV Networks

Goals Lecture Speaker       Host a Goals Lecture

Order of programme or Goals Interview
1.    Opening remarks about the goal
2.    Presentation of guest
3.    Interview session
4.    Question and Answer
Policy Briefing and implications
6.    Mobilization of resource for the goal
7.    Goodwill messages
8.    Announcements
9.    Reception and networking.

How the interview works
1. Guests states a goal to achieve
2. Guests profiles the COPIA affecting the goal
3. Guest states resources needed to fix the COPIA
4. Resource support ticket is generated by the team
5. Guests states the target beneficiaries of the goal
6. Guests states the country of target beneficiaries
7. Celebration of goals achieved

Enabling Innovations for the Goals Lecture

1.    Opia Goals Model
2.    Opia Goals Sport
3.    OPiALiZER Software

Video & photos

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Total Guest
Total Shows
Funds raised
Total Audience

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