Preamble for Goals InterviewA Goals Interview like others gives guests a platform to address varied topics. However, it is unique in that it is built around a goal, its context called COPIA, the environment, resource imperatives and commitment. Thus, the interview is a platform for sharing ideas, opinions, thoughts, dreams, visions, agenda, goals etc that will advance the frontiers of knowledge and open vistas for efforts aimed at attaining sustainability.
Objectives of Goals Interviewa. Stimulate discourse on goalsb. Project varied context on goalsc. Proffer solutions that address goals
d. Mobilize resources to drive goal achievement
e. Educate, enlighten and sensitize people on goals
The Goals Interview Way
1. It is unique in purpose, structure, functionality, essence, style, approach, philosophy etc
3. It uses the Opia Goals Model© in setting interview goals, agenda and generating content.
4. It is friendly, non-confrontational, non-invasive, non-scandalous, endearing and goal-centric.
5. It provides a platform for education, learning, entertainment, engagement, networking etc.
The Goals Interview Advantage
a. Provide income stream for interview guest;
b. Promotes any brand, cause, product service;
c. Mobilizes support for a guests project and cause;
d. Transforms interviews into a resource mobilization.
Participants of Goals Interview
These are persons and entities who identifies with and share in the ideology of the guest and will add their thoughts to enrich the presentation and policy actions that will emerge.
Guest: An entity whose presence will raise interest, discussions and attendance of the interview.
Supporters: These are entities who identifies with and share in the ideology of the guest and will add their thoughts to enrich the presentation and policy actions that will emerge.
Chair of the interview: A person who will preside over the interview and provide thought leadership
Moderator: One who will ensure that the interview follows the order specified
Discussants: Persons’, who will dissect the interview, give insights and illuminate the Implications of the interview.
An individual, group, family, community, organization, government etc
that formally serve as host of the interview. The host may provide a
physical venue where the lecture will host.
Audience: This will comprise of these segments.
General Audience: The interview is open to members of the public who are interested in the goal the guest will focus upon.
Special Audience:
This include any individual, community, family, group, organization,
school, government whose goals, interest, bottom line etc will be
positively impacted by the interview and the resources to be mobilized
to support the goal.