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OPiALiZER Show For Community Video

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

2d 3d D 4DX Imax 3D


  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins









Worldwide, communities seek to achieve goals that enhance their well-being. Communal effort to solve everyday issues is a key feature of societies. However, democratization of governance and decision making concentrates power in the hands of elected few whose actions affects the people’s to be active in communal efforts. Empowering the people is a major aspect of development.
OPiALiZER Show® for Community presents the people a platform and tools they need to:
a.    Set the goals, agenda, aspirations to achieve
b.    State resources needed to achieve the goals
c.    enthusiasm Mobilize global community to support efforts aimed at achieving the goal
See Behind The Scenes for images

Purpose: A community will use the show to achieve goals that enhances community well-being.
a.    Provide recreation, entertainment, fitness, fun, for community members.0
b.    Organize shows to promote community spirit, cohesion, tolerance, peace, co-existence etc
c.    Host shows to promote any goal and generate revenue from tickets, sponsors, adverts etc
d.    Host shows to showcase the cultural heritage of the community, attract tourists, generate revenue and boost the well-being of the people
e.    Mobilize resources from global community to achieve sustainable community projects
f.    Mobilize humanity to support goals that the community seek to achieve
g.    A platform for the community to network with others to achieve shared goals etc
h.    Celebrate festivals, observances, memorials, etc and earn revue from various sources
i.    Mobilize resources to provide scholarship for indigent students from the community
j.    Galvanize resources to support women and girls to attain sustainable livelihoods
k.    Raise resources to assist community members in establishing sustainable businesses
l.    Project the community and attract investors from within and outside the country
m.    Conduct strategic community communication
n.    Conduct surveys and polls on community and other organizational operational issues

Suitability: The show is suitable for communities that desire to achieve goals that will improve the livelihoods, well-being of residents and raise mobilize resources from the public to implement projects that are linked to sustainability goals.

Tools: The innovations that will drive the show includes Goals Model©, which will be used to capture the goal to be achieved; the novel OPiALiZER Software©, that will be installed in a computer and used to create a actionable project representing the model; the Goals Sport©, that will be used in a Goals Challenge to showcase how the goal will be achieved and in the process mobilize resources and the novel OPiALiZER Social Media© where projects will be shared and events streamed live.

Requirements: Communities wishing to organize shows regularly will need an OPiALiZER Goals Center® that will comprise:
1.    A Goals Model Rroom that is furnished with laptops which will house the OPiALiZER Software© that will be used to design projects based on the framework of the Goals Model© that the community will showcase at any shows it will organize to mobilize support.
2. A Goals Sport© Arcade where court(s) for the sport will be installed indoors or outdoors within the vicinity of the center. The sport will be used during a Goals Challenge to actualize the goals model and achieve the goal under focus while also providing a means for learning, fundraising, entertainment, fitness, etc
3.    The court can be customized with any artifact associated with the community such as name, slogans, images, emblems, Coat of Arms etc
4.    The size of land required will depend on the size and number of courts desired by a community and the size of the community. To generate as much revenue from the courts, it is advised that a minimum space of 600ft by 600ft be reserved for an OPiALiZER Goals Center® excluding car parking space.

Event Venue: Shows for projects involving community can take place in the OPiALiZER Goals Center® in the community while other shows can hold in spaces that can take substantial number of persons such as parks, gardens etc
Access to venue: Invitation, Sponsorship, Partnership and Tickets which will be sold here
Whom: Community members who should appear as lead as guests of the show includes
1.    Representatives of communities based on ancestry, origin, communities created legally but not on the basis of partisan politics.
2.    Organizations operating in the community
3.    Local elites residing in the community

When: Shows can hold on remarkable days such as celebration of Community Founders Day, Festivals, Project Launching, Birthday of citizens, United Nations Days, Community Achievement Ground Breaking of Project, etc,
Shows can also hold in the event of an incidence especially those that require leaders to take action.
Show activities: lectures, Interviews, entertainment, polls, surveys, fund raising, Goals Challenge, goodwill messages, etc
Special activity: A Goals Challenge is an activity that will make use of the Goals Sport© to demonstrate the attainment of goals and mobilize resources from across the world to achieve a goal.
Target Goal: Actionable ideas & suggestions, policy, raise funds and other resources etc. For example "Start New Business", "Raise fund for Disaster Victims", "End Slavery".
Expected Outcome: Mass awareness, engagements, mobilize resources for action, new projects
Post show engagements: Engagement with leaders and implementation of outcomes
Audience: This show will attract individuals, families, groups, etc who are residents or natives government, organizations operating within and outside the community, state, region, province or country who share in their goals and will turn up in numbers to support its realization.

Partners: The mass movement and congregation of thousands of persons and representatives of groups, organizations, government etc for the show will trigger huge demand for flight, hotel, taxi, food, drinks camping, insurance, banking etc.
Entities interested in providing products should register as our partners

Further opportunities: The OPiALIZER Goals Center® can be used for other purposes including those that will yield revenue for the community.
a.    Run skills trainings for community members
b.    Organize courses especially those that rely on the framework of the Goals Model©
c.    Train community members who desire to acquire further knowledge on sustainability.
d.    Serve as venues for receptions, trainings, meetings, festivals, conferences, etc
e.    Will serve as resource center for activities requiring computers  
f.    Organize a mini mart, sales promos etc
g.    Employment for persons who will manage the center.
h.    Sales of local craft to visitors to the center
i.    The center will house a restaurant and bar
j.    Communities will benefit from a yearly $60bn fund that will support sustainability projects

Media coverage: Live streaming in:
1.    OPiALiZER Media© available at this link
2.    Mainstream media by broadcast partners

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Order of programme for Community Show
1.    Opening remarks by Anchor
2.    Introduction of Diplomat
3.    Goals Lecture by Guest
4.    Interview of Guest
5.    Goals challenge
6.    Mobilization of resources
7.    Reception and Networking


Enabling innovations for the show

1.    Goals Model
2.    Goals Sport
3.    OPiALiZER Software
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

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