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Apply to Host an OPiALiZER Show

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

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  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins

Host an OPiALiZER Show®

The host of an OPiALiZER Show® is an entity that facilitates, support, provide a physical space and create an enabling environment for the show. A show that is available for hosting is one that is announced or scheduled by OPiALiZER Show® or by any entity that is permitted to organize a show under various arrangements including franchising.
Who can host a show: Individual, Family, Group, Community, Organization, Government etc can host a show to be mounted by OPiALiZER Show®. 
Why host a show: Given that shows are linked to a goal to be achieved, hosts are expected to have this in mind when desiring to be designated as show host. Thus, a potential host must connect with the focus of the show and the goal to be achieved such as e.g. End Malaria, Zero Emission, Combat hunger etc. 

Status of shows: Within the framework of the show, shows shall be broadcast under various themes such as Regular Show, Independent Show and Goal Challenge. Learn ore at https://opializershow.com/about-show

Geographic Scope of shows:
In terms of geography, shows can be local, sub-national, national, regional or international. Learn more at https://opializershow.com/about-show

Legal basis for show hosts

The relationship between OPiALiZER Show® and a host will be guided by a Host Contract Agreement which states the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of the host.

Benefits for show hosts
The benefits for a host are numerous but will depend on whether the host is an individual, family, group, community, organization, state, province country etc

Benefits for an individual, family, group

1. Set an agenda, goal, vision etc
2. Attract investors and consumers
3. Host can promote any goal of interest
4. Mobilize resources to achieve any goal
5. Boost status as a top advocate for a goal
6. Promote the cultural heritage of the host
7. Boost followers, supporters. fans etc base
8. Promote the values of the person, family etc
9. Advertise and promote brands to enhance sales
10. Earn revenue from tickets, adverts, sponsors etc

Benefits for corporate entity as hosts
1. Set an agenda, goal, vision etc
2. Promote any goal of interest
3. Mobilize resources to achieve goals
4. Promote the values of the organization
5. Boost status as a top advocate for a goal
6. Boost followers, supporters. fans etc base
7. Attract and increase client and customer base
8. Advertise and promote brands to enhance sales
9. Boost recognition as a top advocate for the goal
10. Promote corporate social responsibility activities

Benefits for city, state, province, country as host

1. Set an agenda, goal, vision etc
2. Host can promote any goal of interest
3. Mobilize resources to achieve any goal
4. Boost status as a top advocate for a goal
5. Promote the cultural heritage of the host
6. Entertainment, recreation, leisure, fun etc
7. Host global leaders who will attend the show
8. Revenue from taxes paid by foreign participants
9. Revenue from sales of local products to tourists
10. Boost in sales of local food, drinks, artifacts etc
11. Revenue via visa fees paid by foreign participants
12. Boost economic activities of the host city, state, province, district, country etc
13. Attract tourists, visitors, investors etc to the host city, state, province, district, country etc  
14. A host city will gain from volunteers that will carry out community service  during the show

As a first step, we invite potential hosts to fill this form and we will begin the engagement process. We are excited about you hosting a show

Apply to Host a Show


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Potential OPiALiZER Show Hosts

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