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OPiALiZER Show Guests

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

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About Guests

Guests are prime participants who will use the show to express and present a goal that will inspire humanity to provide resources for the realization of the goal. Guests include individuals, families, celebrities, entrepreneurs, communities, organizations, groups, governments etc.

Guests Category
Guest for shows
Guest for Goals Voices
Guest for Goals Lecture
Guest for Goals Interview
Guest for Goals Challenge

Regular guests
These are people of influence whose expression and pursuit of the goal they seek to achieve will coalesce the thoughts and actions of people of influence and the larger humanity towards achieving the expressed goal.

Strategic guests
These are people of influence whose comments, decisions, actions, inactions, expressions etc affect the goals and daily lives of global humanity.

Benefits for guest
1.    Educate and enlighten humanity
2.    Mobilize resources for a goal of interest
3.    Promote and sell brands during the show
4.    Generate revenue from tickets, adverts etc
5.    Meet, engage and network with global leaders
6.    Generate enormous goodwill and public regards

Role of Guests:
1.    Set agenda and goal to be achieved
2.    Grant interviews and give a lectures on the goal
3.    Mobilize resources to achieve a goal of interest
4.    Invite their bases including followers, supporters, associates, clients, to buy ticket and watch the show
5.    Take a Goals Challenge to entertain viewers and mobilize support for the goal

Categories of guests
Royalty: Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Chiefs etc
Celebrities: Music, Movies, Sports, Arts, Fashion, etc
International entities:  Secretary-Generals and Head of international bodies like the IMF, World Bank, EU, G-7, G-20, ASEAN, AU, CELAC etc
Family: Iconic families, family businesses etc
Community: Mayors, Traditional Heads, Councils,
Education: President, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Rector, Provost, Deans etc
Government: President, Prime Minister, Governor, Senator, Minister, Diplomat, Mayor etc
Business: Founders, Board Chair, Director, CEO, COO, CFO, Head of Sustainability, Corporate Affairs, Environment, CSR, Brands, HRM,  Entrepreneur, etc
United Nations: Secretary-General, President of the General Assembly, Permanent Representatives, Heads of agencies, etc

Steps to be a Guest
1. Fill “Request Show” 
here and get approved
2. Show trailer is set up using images and video
3. Your show is published as an Upcoming Show
4. The show is promoted online to sell tickets

Apply as Guest for Shows
Apply as Guest for Goals Lecture
Apply as Guest for Goals Interview   
Apply as Guest for Goals Challenge

Order of programme (Activities at a show)
1.    Opening remarks about the topic
2.    Presentation of Guest Speaker
3.    Lecture
4.    Discussions
5.    Policy outcomes
6.    Announcements
7.    Mobilization of resources
8.    Reception and networking.

Enabling Innovations for shows
1.    Opia Goals Model
2.    Opia Goals Sport
3.    OPiALiZER Software

Video & photos

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Total Guest
Total Shows
Funds raised
Total Audience

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