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OPiALiZER Show Goals Lecture

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

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  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins








Preamble for
Goals Lecture
Daily, society is confronted by situations that require solutions that are based on research, given knowledge, experience, thoughts etc that can trigger setting of agenda, goals and action. A Goals Lecture is a specialized activity that focuses on goals, components, moderators, the environment resource needs and the achievement of goals in general and sustainability in particular. The Goals Lecture is a platform to mould and shape discourse, provide insights, introduce ideas etc. It is a platform to galvanize action and raise resources for all goals, especially those that are linked to sustainability.

Objectives of the lecture
a. Address a goal related issue

Offer enriching thought leadership
c. Present perspectives to mirror the goal
d. Proffer solutions that addresses the goal

Timing: The lecture can be delivered on symbolic days to mark and celebrate Birthday, Inauguration, Founders Day, Memorial, Independence, all kinds of Anniversaries, etc

Goal Lecture Speaker
The lecture is rendered by a reputable entity whose ideas, opinion, thoughts, personality, etc, will advance the frontiers of knowledge, raise interest, discussions and attendance in the lecture and open new vistas for solutions to boost the  attainment of goals in general and sustainability goals in particular.

Role of Speaker
1. Render the lecture
Give tasks to mobilize the audience
3. Profile resources needs for the goal

Speaker selection: One whose presence as speaker will trigger intense discussions, interest and attendance in the lecture. Speakers will be chosen through a process that will involve these criteria:
1. Self recognition
2. Public acceptability
3. Expert recommendation
4. Likely impact of the topic
5. Have considerable influence
6. Unifying nature of the speaker


Audience: This comprises these segments.
General Audience: The lecture is open to members of the public who are interested in the goal the guest lecturer will focus upon.
Special Audience: These includes any individual, community, family, group, organization, school, government whose goals, interest, bottom line etc will be positively impacted by the lecture and the resources to be mobilized to support the goal.
Supporting Audience: These are persons who identifies with and share in the ideology of the speaker and will add their thoughts to enrich the presentation and policy actions that will emerge.

Role of Audience
1. Attend the class in-person or online
2. Contribute to question and discourse
3. Undertake tasks and assignments online

Benefits for Speaker and Audience
1. Advance knowledge on goals
2. Mobilize resources for a goal
3. Galvanize humanity for action
4. Audience get rewards for tasks
5. Showcase brands that promote goals

Strategic Participants
Chair of the lecture:
A person who will preside over the lecture and provide thought leadership
Moderator: One who will ensure the lecture follows the order specified.
Discussants: Persons’, who will dissect the lecture, give insights and illuminate the Implications of the lecture.
Host: An individual, group, family, community, organization, government etc that formally serve as host of the lecture. The host may provide a physical venue where the lecture will host.
Be a partner, then render services and sell goods at shows where guests achieve personal goals Apply here

Coverage: Live streaming of shows will be on:
1. @Opiaizershow handle on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, X and LinkedIn
2. At full scale on OPiALiZERS Community©
3. Mainstream cable TV broadcast partners

 Be A Goals Lecture Speaker  Host a Goals Lecture

Order of programme (Activities at the lectures)
1.    Opening remarks about the topic
2.    Presentation of Guest Speaker
3.    Lecture
4.    Discussions
5.    Policy outcomes
6.    Announcements
7.    Mobilization of resources
8.    Reception and networking.

Enabling Innovations for the Goals Lecture
1.    Opia Goals Model
2.    Opia Goals Sport
3.    OPiALiZER Software

Video & photos

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