News Flash : The Goals Initiative will roll out in 2025 to help entities achieve varied goals   |   News Flash : The OPiALiZER Show will power the Goals Initiative   |   News Flash : The Goals Initiative seminars will sensitize humanity in much of 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars will empower users of the show

OPiALiZER Show® Shower

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

2d 3d D 4DX Imax 3D



Everyday someone around the world takes a step to achieve an idea, goals, desire, whose realization and manifestation will enrich humanity. However, they contend with getting support resources from friends, relations and humanity. In nature, showers represent outpour of water to wet up and nourish a situation that has dried up. Metaphorically, it implies to supply resources that are needed to deal with situations people face.

The show is a source of news, information, thoughts, analysis and content that enlighten, educate, sensitize, entertains, shapes policy and action on anything goals. It is a platform to mobilize resources to achieve goals.

OPiALiZER Show® Showers is a platform where people express their goals, set agenda and raise resources to achieve their goals. The show is a fertile ground to galvanize support and resources for goals that which will boost sustainability. Through the show, millions will be inspired to act and achieve disruptive ideas.

Purpose: Individuals and other entities will use the show to share stories about their goals, issues, challenges, successes, etc and mobilize resources.
a. A framework for presentation
b. A place for recreation, fun and leisure.
c. A place to raise support for people’s dreams
Promote sustainability for better humanity
e. Promote brands, products, services of entities supporting goal attainment
f. A forum to meet, greet & network with others to achieve shared visions

Suitability: The show is suitable for situations where people need a rush of human showers to nourish their goals, visions and dreams to reality.

Whom: Guests will come from all backgrounds
any field of endeavour and are persons who have shown requisite traits to galvanize others to overcome challenges of life to explore opportunities and achieve goals.

Tools: The innovations that will drive the show includes the Opia Goals Model©, which will be used to profile the goal to be achieved; the novel OPiALiZER Software©, that will be installed in a computer and used to create an actionable project representing the model; the Opia Goals Sport©, that will be used in a Goals Challenge with the model to entertain audiences, showcase how the goal will be achieved and mobilize resources and the novel OPiALiZER Social Media© where projects will be shared and events streamed live.


OPiALiZER Goals Centre
Guests of the OPiALiZER Show® Shower will use facilities provided for guests of the show. Persons wishing to organize shows independent of us, shall setup an OPiALiZER Show Center®. The centre which can be small, medium or large is equipped with relevant innovations.
1. A Goals Room with a laptop having the OPiALiZER Software© installed to be used for generating goals models based on the logic of the Opia Goals Model© which a guest will showcase at a show to mobilize support.
2. An Opia Goals Sport© Arcade where court(s) for the sport will be installed in rows, indoors or outdoors but within the centre. The sport will be used for a Goals Challenge to actualize the goals model and achieve the goal while also providing a means for learning, fundraising, entertainment,  fitness, etc
3. The court can be customized with any artifact associated with the guest.

Show Venue: The show can be hosted indoors or outdoors in any city preferred by the guest.
Access to venue:
This will be by invitation, sponsorship, partnership and tickets.
Show activities:
lecture, interview, networking, Goals Challenge, entertainment, surveys, goodwill messages, resource mobilization, etc
Special activity:
A Goals Challenge uses the Opia Goals Model© and Opia Goals Sport© to show how to mobilize resources from across the world to help people achieve their goals.
Shows will attract global humanity.
Target Goal:
Guests will express actionable ideas and suggestions such as "Start a New Business", novel products, raise resources to achieve a goal.  
Expected outcomes:
New ideas, innovations, mass awareness, engagements, resource mobilization etc.
Post show engagements:
Networking with leaders to implement outcomes.

The mass movement of thousands of persons and representatives of groups, organizations, government etc for the show will trigger huge demand for flight, hotel, taxi, food, drinks camping, insurance, banking etc. Entities interested in providing products should register as our 

Broadcasting: Live streaming of shows will be on:
1. @Opiaizershow handle on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & X
2. OPiALiZERS Community© when livestreaming of events is fully activated Here
3. Mainstream cable TV broadcast partners including Cable TV Networks

Basic programme for Baby Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of family
3.    Goals Lecture by family
4.    Interview of family members
5.    Goals challenge by family members
6.    Mobilization of resources for baby goals
7.    Reception & Network session for guests


Enabling innovations for Baby Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Baby Showers

Yearly, about 140 million babies are born in the world which averages four births in every second. Generally, the delivery of a new baby brings joy hence plans are made in advance for the arrival of the baby thus, a baby shower is held with pomp to mobilize resources from friends and relations.
In nature, showers represent an out pour of water that wets up and nourishes a situation to life. Metaphorically, it implies to supply resources that are needed to deal with situations people face.

A missing link in the celebration of baby showers is that such is not used to proclaim a goal that the baby will be nurtured to promote later in life. The OPiALiZER Show
®, will help families raise resources to nurture their babies to impact positively on society through actions that supports sustainability.

OPiALiZER Show® for Baby Shower is a place for parents to offer their vision for their unborn or newly born child and inspire others to action. The parents use their influence to raise resources to achieve goals that will boost the well-being of disadvantage children and promote sustainability.

Suitability: The show is suitable for parents who will use their influence to drive a message that will inspire struggling couples to achieve their goals and become showers of hope to others.


Baby Shower Perspectives
Purpose: Parents of influence will use the baby shower to share stories about goals they wish the baby will achieve, the issues they expect and how their child can help sustain their goals and dreams.
a. Provide a platform for expressing of goals
b. Parents and guests can use the Goals Center for recreation, fun, learning etc
c. Mobilize support for people desiring to achieve their goals
d. Provide a forum for networking with others to achieve shared goals etc
e. Promote the brand, products, services of influential people supporting others to achieve their goals
f. Promote sustainability for better humanity

Whom: Guests will be babies, parents, families, friends and well-wishes who connect to the goal that is envisioned for the baby and who will use the baby shower to raise resources for babies who are need support to achieve their goals.

Get Involved:
Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for baby goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for baby goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Baby Shower Apply

Basic programme for Children Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of children
3.    Goals Lecture by guardian
4.    Interview of child or children
5.    Goals challenge by child or children
6.    Mobilization of resources for child goals
Reception & Network session for guests


Enabling innovations for Children Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Showers for Children

The process of raising children involves sending them to school where they are nurtured and taught with varied models of learning. In some societies, children end up more with certificates and scholastic grades than problem solving skills that society badly needs.

When a child sets out to school, it is typically to learn basic subjects and courses that lead to certification with little exposure to real life situations that require global actions. Only after some hands-on experience, will the child develop the capacity to conceive and conceptualize solutions to real life situations

The world needs children who have knowledge of the challenges society is dealing with and are equipped to proffer solutions

OPiALiZER Show® Children Shower is a platform for children to express the goals they wish to achieve goals that are beyond their academic certificates that will assist humanity to achieve sustainability goals.

The show is suitable for parents who want to raise children that will become goal achievers and change makers that will OPiALiZE dreams. The parents use their influence to drive a message that will inspire struggling couples to achieve their goals and become showers of hope to others.


Children Shower Perspectives
Purpose: A child or group of children can use the show to mobilize resources and achieve goals that will enhance their learning, problem solving and abilities.
a. Provide Escape Room for learning, fun, recreation and leisure
b. A forum to network with other children and achieve shared goals etc
c. A child can use the show to earn revenue from ticket sales, adverts etc
d. A child can use the show to galvanize children globally to achieve their goals.
e. A child can use the show to promote child rights, peace, cohesion, tolerance, etc

Whom: Guests will be children from diverse backgrounds who show abilities to overcome issues of life to explore opportunities and achieved their goals.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for child goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for child goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise & sell your goods at a Children Shower Apply

Basic programme for School Fees Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of children
3.    Goals Lecture by guardian
4.    Interview of child or children
5.    Goals challenge by child or children
6.    Mobilization of resources for child goals
Reception & Network session for guests

Enabling innovations for School Fees Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Showers for School Fees

The Education is a basic right protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Right that every child should have as a step towards empowering people, reducing poverty and ensure sustainable development. Getting education at all levels attracts cost which can be distressing for poor and low income families.

Global statistics suggests that more than 240 million children are out of school due to social, economic and cultural reasons. Data from Nigeria suggests that out of school children is about 18 million. Society needs to respond and cater for school and exam fees of children on the margins who are at risk and vulnerable to those who can manipulate them for negative ends.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for School Fees is a platform to express goals that can help raise resources to offset the school and exam fees vulnerable children and empower them to achieve sustainability goals.

Suitability: It is suitable for children in schools located in slums, low income areas, children whose parents are poor, orphans, etc


School Fees Shower Perspectives
Purpose: The shower is focused on raising resources to offset the school and exam fees of indigent and vulnerable school children. Parents and children can use the shower to raise resources and achieve goals relating to school enrollment, learning, literacy etc.
a. Provide Goal Center with an Escape Room for learning, recreation and leisure
b. Guests can use the shower to promote goals and earn revenue from tickets
c. Guests can use the shower to galvanize folks to achieve educational goals.
d. Guests can use the shower to deepen learning, research, teaching, etc
e. This shower is a forum to network with others and achieve shared goals etc

Whom: A would-be-guest for this shower is one with huge influence with equally influential relations, friends, admirers and colleagues etc.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for school fees. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for 
school fees Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Fees Shower Apply

Basic programme for Medical Mission Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of Medical Mission Team
3.    Goals Lecture by
Medical Mission Team
4.    Goals Interview of
Medical Mission Team
5.    Goals challenge by
Medical Mission Team
6.    Raising of resources for
Medical Mission goals
Reception & Network session for shower guests

Enabling innovations for Medical Mission Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Showers for Medical Mission

Daily millions of people around the world battle medical conditions that may result to disability, loss of vital body organs or outright loss of their lives. In some if not most countries, the absence of and poor access to medical insurance as well as near absence of medical amenities in rural areas, predisposes large number of persons to health risk. Helping people to overcome their health challenges through short and long term medical missions is imperative.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Medical Missions provides a platform for influential people to use their convening power to mobilize medical personnel, resources, funds etc and address a medical situation in their local or other community anywhere in the world. They will use their influence to enlighten, educate, engage and galvanize support to achieve health goals that will ultimately boost sustainability.

Suitability: This shower is suitable for a variety of situation that fits into Business Showers in which the goal is for an influential person to use their stories to assist in mobilizing resources to support others to achieve their goals including sustainability goals.


Medical Mission Shower Perspectives
Purpose: This shower is conceived as an intervention to meet the health needs of the vulnerable in society. A key legacy of the shower is the multipurpose OPiALiZER Show® Goals Centre, which is established to serve varied purposes.
a. Provides a framework for addressing health goals
b. Provide recreation for local community members
c. Mobilize investors and the public to support for people desiring to achieve their goals
d. Promote sustainability goals and raise funds from tickets, adverts, sponsors etc
e. Provide a forum for networking with others to achieve shared health goals etc

Whom: Guests of Showers for Medical Missions will be local leaders who are very close to the people and share in their health needs. They include: Councillor, Youth Leader, Traders Group, Farmers Group, Women Leader, PTA Chairperson, Religious Leader, School Principal, Traditional Heads, Social media influencers, Leaders of or tribal ethnic group, Leaders of Community Development Association (CDA) etc.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Medical Mission Goals Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Medical Mission Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Medical Mission Shower Apply

Basic programme for Community Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of Community Leader
3.    Goals Lecture by
Community Leader
4.    Goals Interview of
Community Leader
5.    Goals challenge by
Community Leader
6.    Mobilization of resources for
Community goals
Reception & Network session for guests

Enabling innovations for Community Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Showers for Community

The Education is a basic right protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Right that every child should have as a step towards empowering people, reducing poverty and ensure sustainable development. Getting education at all levels attracts cost which can be distressing for poor and low income families.

Global statistics suggests that more than 240 million children are out of school due to social, economic and cultural reasons. Data from Nigeria suggests that out of school children is about 18 million. Society needs to respond and cater for school and exam fees of children on the margins who are at risk and vulnerable to those who can manipulate them for negative ends.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for School Fees is a platform to express goals that can help raise resources to offset the school and exam fees vulnerable children and empower them to achieve sustainability goals.

Suitability: It is suitable for children in schools located in slums, low income areas, children whose parents are poor, orphans, etc


Community Shower Perspectives
Purpose: The shower is focused on raising resources to offset the school and exam fees of indigent and vulnerable school children. Parents and children can use the shower to raise resources and achieve goals relating to school enrollment, learning, literacy etc.
a. Provide Goal Center with an Escape Room for learning, recreation and leisure
b. Guests can use the shower to promote goals and earn revenue from tickets
c. Guests can use the shower to galvanize folks to achieve educational goals.
d. Guests can use the shower to deepen learning, research, teaching, etc
e. This shower is a forum to network with others and achieve shared goals etc

Whom: A would-be-guest for this shower is one with huge influence with equally influential relations, friends, admirers and colleagues etc.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Community Goals Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Community Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Community Shower Apply

Basic programme for Climate Change Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of guest
3.    Goals Lecture by
4.    Goals Interview of
5.    Goals challenge by
6.    Mobilization of resources for
guest goals
Reception & Network session for guests

Enabling innovations for
Climate Change Shower
1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Showers for Climate Change

In recent decades, leaders across the world have acknowledged that mans pursuit for the better life which involves harnessing, the use and misuse of nature’s bounty, has strained nature’s ability to sustain the greed and recklessness of a segment of the present and the needs of future generations. Following meetings of stakeholders, agreements on reversing the impact of man’s activities on the earth were reached: Viz: the Kiyoto Protocol (1997), United Nations Framework on Climate Change (1992) and Paris Agreement (2015).

The What, When, Whom and How to do for climate change reversal, implies enormous resources that countries are grappling but it is more daunting for countries outside developed countries block. The impact of climate change is most devastating on everyday people who neither attend meetings were issues are discussed and agreements reached.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Climate Change is a place for celebrities, activists, change agents, climate innovators etc, to express and showcase breathtaking ideas and solutions. They will use the influence and convening power of the show to engage humanity and mobilize resources to implement solutions of solutions that will help everyday people to adapt, boost their livelihoods and sustainability.
Guests can raise resources for implementation of:
1. Renewable energy projects in communities
2. Education of people on climate change.

Suitability: It is suitable for situations where Climate Change optimists, champions, optimists, advocates, innovators etc need the public to access resources that will help them navigate pathways to achieve climate change goals and boost sustainability


Climate Change Shower Perspectives
Purpose: This shower enables Climate Change optimists, champions, optimists, advocates, innovators etc to express goals, visions, ideas that provide solutions to climate change and mobilize resources from stakeholders to achieve the goals.
A key legacy of the shower is the multipurpose OPiALiZER Show® Goals Centre, which is established to serve varied purposes.
a. Provide a platform for expressing of goals
b. Optimists, champions, optimists, advocates, innovators and their supporters can use the Goals Centre for recreation, leisure, learning etc
c. Mobilize stakeholders and the general public to support people addressing climate change
d. Promote sustainability goals and raise funds from tickets, adverts, sponsors etc
e. Provide a forum for networking with others to achieve shared goals etc
f. Climate Change Shower celebrates a novelty, motivate and share resources that will help solutions to thrive.
g. The shower presents climate change solution providers with access to potential customers, partner, suppliers etc
h. It connects innovators, advocates, founders, investors, and industry leaders. It embodies an environment that encourages, collaborates, networks and exposes.

Whom: Guests of Climate Change Shower are innovators optimists, champions, optimists, advocates, etc who have inherent traits such as courage, grit, commitment, opportunity alertness, drive, etc. Major guests will be leaders with a record of overcoming the imperfections of the global and complex climate change ecosystem. 

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Climate Change Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Climate Change Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Climate Change Shower Apply

Highlights of Bridal Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of Bride
3.    Goals Lecture by
4.    Interview of
Bride and friends
5.    Goals challenge by
Bride and friends
6.    Mobilization of resources for Bridal goals
7.    Reception & Networking for
Bride & friends


Enabling innovations for Bridal Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Bridal Shower

Getting married is a natural basis for procreation and sustenance of the human species. When a girl set out to marry, she is typically drawn by the external looks, economic status, education, character, personality, family background, social standing etc of her suitor.

An item that is less examined in conversations leading to marriage is the goal, vision, aspirations etc that a bride wishes to achieve in matrimony that will inspire her groom to work with her to achieve goals, dreams and visions, beyond their personal interest that will boost sustainability.

The lack of this implies less mutuality that will enrich their oneness which over time may trigger boredom, conflict, separation and divorce along the line.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Bride is a platform for a bride to express the goals she intend to achieve in matrimony that will lead to a fulfilling experience and assist humanity to achieve sustainability goals.

Suitability: It is suitable for a bride-to-be whose goal will boost racial harmony, unity, tolerance and efforts to achieve sustainability beyond the frontiers of love as well as upholds and promotes the norms, values, culture etc of her marriage ancestry.


Bridal Shower Perspectives
Purpose: A bride to be can use the show to mobilize resources and achieve goals that will enhance their well-being and that of others.
Provide Escape Room for learning, fun, recreation and leisure
b. A bride-to-be can use the show to galvanize brides-to-be to achieve goals.
A bride to be can use the show to earn revenue from ticket sales, adverts etc
d. A bride-to-be can use the show to promote love, peace, cohesion, tolerance, etc
e. A bride-to-be show is a forum to network with others and achieve shared goals etc

Whom: A bride-to-be who will be guest, her parents, siblings, relations, friends, admirers, colleagues etc.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Bridal Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Bridal Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Bridal Shower Apply

Highlights of Groom Shower
1.    Opening remarks
2.    Introduction of groom
3.    Goals Lecture by groom
4.    Interview of groom and friends
5.    Goals challenge by groom and friends
6.    Mobilization of resources for groom goals
7.    Reception & Networking for groom & friends


Enabling innovations for Groom Shower

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community

Groom Shower

Getting married to someone of the opposite sex is crucial to procreation and sustenance of the human species. When a man decides to marry, he is typically drawn by the beauty, appeal, character, personality, family background, social standing etc of a girl.

In conversations leading to marriage, a groom may not focus on the goal, vision, aspirations etc that his a bride to be wishes to achieve in matrimony that will complement his dreams and to work with her to achieve shared goals, dreams and visions that will boost family goals and sustainability.

The lack of this nexus between a groom and his bride, implies less commonality that will nourish their bonds which may over time may trigger, conflict, separation and divorce down the line.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Groom is a place for a groom to express the goals he intend to achieve in matrimony that will lead to a fulfilling experience and assist humanity to achieve sustainability goals.

Suitability: It is suitable for a groom whose goal will boost racial harmony, unity, tolerance and efforts to achieve sustainability beyond the frontiers of love as well as upholds and promotes the norms, values, culture etc of his marriage ancestry.


Groom Shower
Purpose: A groom can use the shower to express a goal he intends to achieve in matrimony and mobilize resources to achieve goals that will enrich matrimony.
a. Provide Goal Center with an Escape Room for learning, recreation and leisure
b. A groom can use the shower to earn revenue from ticket
c. A groom can use the shower to galvanize folks to achieve marital goals.
d. A groom can use the shower to promote peace, harmony, tolerance, co-existence in matrimony etc
e. It is a forum to network with grooms to be and achieve shared goals etc

Whom: A groom who will be guest, his parents, siblings, relations, friends, admirers and colleagues etc

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Groom Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Groom Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Groom Shower Apply

Highlights of Start-Up Shower
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of founder
3. Goals Lecture by 
4. Goals Interview of
start-up founder
5. Goals challenge by start-up founder
6. Mobilize resources for founder goals
7. Reception and networking for founder


Enabling Innovations for
Start-Up Shower
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Start-Up Shower

Starting an entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges which require resources to overcome. The failure to raise resources usually leads aspiring innovators to face the infamous Valley of Death.
A lot of entrepreneurs struggle or fail to lift off the ground because they lack direction, money, tools and support.
In the absence of knowing, most people fail to support their friends to start up new ventures with immense potentials to disrupt the status quo.
The In the absence of knowing, most people fail to support their friends to start up new ventures with immense potentials to disrupt the status quo.
The Start-Up shower empowers start-ups with resources to transform their Valley of Death to Mountain of Hope model in which positive cues pushes innovators to surmount challenges to their goals.

OPiALiZER Show® for Start-Up Shower is a place for aspiring entrepreneurs to showcase and express their breathtaking ideas, innovations etc. They will use the influence and convening power of the show to mobilize resources globally and achieve goals that will help boost sustainability

Suitability: It is suitable for situations where an aspiring founder need relations, friends, admirers, colleagues and the public to access resources that will help in navigating pathways to achieve their venture goals especially those that will boost sustainability.


Start-Up Shower
Purpose: To enable people filled with novel ideas to express their goals, visions, their challenges and mobilize support resources from stakeholders.
a. Provide a start-up with a platform to express goals
b. Aspiring entrepreneurs and their supporters can use the Goals Centre for recreation, fun, leisure, learning etc
c. Mobilize investors and the public to support for people desiring to achieve their goals
d. Promote sustainability goals and raise funds from tickets, adverts, sponsors etc
e. Provide a forum for networking with others to achieve shared goals
f. A Start-Up shower celebrates a new business or company, support, motivate and share resources that will help a start-up to navigate the ecosystem.
g. The showers presents a business to potential customers, partner, suppliers etc
h. It bridges gaps between founders, investors, and industry leaders. It embodies a supportive environment, encouragement, collaboration, valuable networking and exposures.

Guests of Start-Up Shower are persons at the launch stage who have the inherent traits for venture creation such as the pro-activity, courage, drive, commitment, opportunity alertness, grit etc. Major guests will be successful entrepreneurs with a record of overcoming the imperfections of their country start-up ecosystem, launched a start-up based on innovation and built a unicorn venture.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Start-Up Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Start-Up Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Start-Up Shower Apply

Highlights of Dreamers Shower
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of the dreamer
3. Goals Lecture on behalf of
4. Goals Interview on behalf of dreamer
5. Goals challenge
on behalf of dreamer
6. Mobilize resources for dreamer's goals
7. Reception and networking for dreamer


Enabling Innovations for
Dreamers Shower
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Dreamers Shower

The world is populated with people whose talents, brilliance and ideas can radically change our lives. While some live to achieve their visions, dreams, goals, aspirations and are celebrated for impacting on society, that of others are truncated by illness, infirmity or death and may never be celebrated.

A classic Dreamer is Charles Goodyear (1800-1860), the American who invented Vulcanization, the process of hardening natural rubber with sulphur. Before arriving at the use of sulphur, Goodyear spent years experimenting with varied chemicals which affected his health. He endured diseases, arrest and imprisonment for debts, poverty etc. He died without an opportunity to commercialize the patent he got for his invention.
Not minding his misfortune, Goodyear wrote, “In reflecting upon the past, as relates to these branches of industry, the writer is not disposed to repine, and say that he has planted, and others have gathered the fruits. The advantages of a career in life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents, as is too often done. Man has just cause for regret when he sows and no one reaps”  
About forty years after his death, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, was founded in 1898 in his name and honour. Several honours, awards and medals, are named after him to cement his legacy.  

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Dreamers draws attention to the extra-ordinary and amazing lives of those who took steps to actualize radical ideas and improve society through incredible works but whose lives are diminished by circumstances. The shower seeks to immortalize these persons.

Suitability: It is suitable for exceptional people with terminal illness, with infirmity and those who died with unfulfilled dreams but whose relations, friends, admirers, colleagues and the public are willing to immortalize the goals of Dreamers.


Dreamers Shower
Purpose: This shower enables the realization of the dreams of people with exceptional abilities whose ambitions are cut short by health, infirmity, death etc. It offers a platform for friends, families, associates and society to express and showcase their goals, dreams, visions and works and mobilize resources to accomplish them.
a. Provide a framework to present the works of dreamers
b. Provides a Goals Centre for supporters of dreamers to have leisure, learn, recreate, etc
c. Provides a forum to network for dreamers
d. Mobilize humanity to enable dreamers achieve their goals, especially when they are no more
e. Promote sustainability goals and raise funds from tickets, adverts, sponsors etc
f. Provide a forum for dreamers to network with others and achieve shared goals and visions
g. A Shower for Dreamers celebrates their accomplishments and provides resources to help them navigate their challenges.
h. The showers presents Dreamers with access to potential customers, partners, suppliers etc
i. It bridges gaps for Dreamers, investors, and industry leaders and embodies a supportive environment, encouragement, collaboration, valuable networking and exposures.

Guests of Shower for Dreamers are the relations, friends, admirers, colleagues of Dreamers who will use the platform to sustain their legacy.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Dreamer's Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for 
Dreamer's Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a 
Dreamer's Shower Apply

Highlights of Business Shower
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of founder
3. Goals Lecture by 
4. Goals Interview of
start-up founder
5. Goals challenge by start-up founder
6. Mobilize resources for founder goals
7. Reception and networking for founder


Enabling Innovations for
Business Shower
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Business Shower

Everyday, someone in the world takes big a step to achieve a long held business idea whose manifestation as a product enriches the basket of options for mankind. They however, have to deal with issues that will require the support of friends, relations and our common humanity.

OPiALiZER Show® Showers for Business is a platform for successful leaders to lend shoulders, counsel, thought leadership, influence, convening power etc to business founders with breathtaking innovations and products to realize their dreams. The appearance of such leaders as guest of this shower will help to mobilize resources to support disadvantage people to achieve business goals that will boost sustainability efforts.

Suitability: It is suitable for situations in which a founder needs influential persons to deploy their goodwill in guiding funders through pathways that will lead them to their business aspiration, dreams, goals etc.


Business Shower
Purpose: This shower enables inspiring founders to gain traction and scale operations. Influential leaders use it to help founder’s access markets, credit, supplies, mentorship, goodwill etc.
a. Provide a schema to present founders dreams
Provide a forum to network with others with shared goals etc
c. Mobilize angels, backers, investors to help founders achieve sustainability goals
This shower celebrates founders and helps their business to navigate the ecosystem.
Founders use the Goals Centre for recreation, leisure, engage stakeholders and network
f. Host events and raise resources from tickets, adverts, sponsors to support businesses etc

Guests of this shower will be founders who have shown traits such as innovativeness, resolve, commitment, courage, etc to transform their Valley of Death to a Mountain of Hope model in which positive cues pushes founders to explore opportunities and surmount challenges and achieve their goals.
Major guests will be experienced and successful and influential business leaders in all fields of entrepreneurship.

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Business Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for
Business Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Business Shower Apply

Highlights of Research Shower
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of researcher
3. Goals Lecture by researcher
4. Goals Interview of researcher(s)
5. Goals challenge by researcher(s)
6. Raise resources for research goals
7. Reception & networking for researcher


Enabling Innovations for
Research Shower
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Research Shower Synopsis

Across the world, humanity contends with myriad of challenges that requires learned and unlearned knowledge which search and research can unravel.
While some persons are naturally wired with the capacity to evolve solutions, they are handicapped by the imperfections of their environment and the resource imperatives that inquiry demands.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Researcher is platform for researchers to express the research goals they wish to achieve, engage humanity for support and mobilize resources to drive research to yield solutions that will enrich the basket of novel solutions that will also boost sustainability.

Suitability: It is suitable for situations where a researchers need to initiate a ground breaking inquiry provide Proof of Concept, Prototype etc and need resources for the goal. It is open to people in all fields of endeavour whose research will support sustainability.

Whom: Guests will be a researcher or researchers who have the desired traits to drive novel ground breaking research that will improve existing knowledge.
A researcher or group of researchers from the same or other institutions can drive a multidisciplinary inquiry. We encourage inter-departmental, inter-faculty and institution wide research whose goal is to break new grounds


Research Shower
Purpose: Researchers from any field and sector can use the Research Shower to showcase their goal, likely outcomes and mobilize resources to achieve goals that will promote learning.
a. Provide researchers a platform to express goals
b. Provides a Goals Centre with facilities for learning, recreation, leisure, etc.
Researchers can use the shower to promote their innovation and start-ups
d. Researchers can use the shower to mobilize global humanity for their goals.
d. It is a forum to network with other Researchers and achieve shared goals etc
f. Mobilize resources to offer scholarship, bursary, fellowships etc to researchers
Researchers can use the shower to earn revenue from ticket sales, adverts etc

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Research Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for R
esearch Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Research
Shower Apply

Highlights of Shower for Alumni
1. Opening remarks by Anchor
2. Introduction of alumni
3. Goals Lecture by alumni
4. Goals Interview of alumni team
5. Goals challenge by alumni team
6. Mobilization of resources for alumni
7. Reception & networking for alumni


Innovations for Alumni Shower

1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Alumni Shower

Alumni and old students of schools are expected to play crucial role in advancing the cause of their school after graduation. This form of support is usually done through the alumni and old student association which are great source of resources. Alumni provide invaluable networking contacts, social capital and human resources that can help their institution to achieve sustainability projects.

Schools need alumni and old students who will deploy their immense human, social and capital resources etc to assist students of previous school in shaping solutions to address the challenges society is grappling with and proffer solutions

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Alumni is a platform to express goals they wish to achieve goals that are beyond their academic certificates that will assist humanity to achieve sustainability.

Suitability: The shower is suitable for parents who will use their influence to drive a message that will inspire struggling couples to achieve their goals and become showers of hope to others.

Guests will be leaders of alumni and old students’ groups at local, state, national or international level, who have envisioned projects and need humanity to support their goals.


Alumni Shower
Purpose: Alumni and old students can use the show to mobilize resources and achieve goals that will boost learning and problem solving abilities.
a. Provide alumni a platform for expressing goals
b. Alumni and old students can provide a Goals Centre where current students can go for fun, recreation, fitness, leisure, learning etc.
c. The shower can be used to earn revenue from ticket, advert, sales etc
d. The shower can be used to mobilize global humanity for alumni goals.
e. Alumni and old students can use the shower to promote leadership, research, learning, tolerance, co-existence, multiculturalism, citizenship, etc
f. The shower is a forum to network with other couples and achieve shared goals
g. It can be used to raise resources for scholarship, bursary, grants, fellowship etc

Be guest of a Regular Show shower and raise resources for Alumni Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show shower and raise resources for Alumni Goals
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a Alumni
Shower Apply

Highlights of Student Shower
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of
3. Goals Lecture by 
4. Goals Interview for
5. Goals challenge for
6. Mobilization of resources for
7. Reception and Networking for


Enabling Innovations for Student Shower

1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Student Shower

In school, students are taught to read, write, learn, communicate and acquire problem solving skills etc that will enable them solve societal challenges.

In practice, students focus majorly on learning that lead to graduating with certificates, athletics, recreation and leisure with little exposure to real life situations that require students to take actions. Only after having some post-graduation experience, will they develop the capacity to conceptualize solutions to real life situations

The world need students who have knowledge of the challenges society is dealing with and are equipped to proffer solutions. Whether they are in junior, middle, higher and tertiary institutions, students can drive research and projects that are not related to certification but that will provide solutions for sustainability

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Students is a platform for students to express goals they wish to achieve goals beyond their academic certificates that will aid the attainment of sustainability goals.

Suitability: The shower is suitable for a variety of situations where a student need help to achieve their goals and need human showers to support.


Student Shower
Purpose: A student or group of students can use the shower to mobilize resources and achieve goals that will enhance their learning, problem solving abilities and general orientation.
a. Provide students a platform for expression of goals
Promote peace, cohesion, tolerance, co-existence etc
Galvanize folks from all over the world to achieve their goals.
Promote goals and earn revenue from ticket sales, adverts etc
e. This shower is a forum to network with other and achieve shared goals etc
Provide a Goals Center with Escape Room facilities where current students can go for fun, recreation, fitness, leisure, learning etc.

Whom: Guests will be students from varied disciplines who have set out actionable goal and visions and demonstrates requisite traits to overcome challenges to achieved their goals.

Be guest of a Regular Show Shower and raise resources for Student Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show Shower and raise resources for
Student Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Student Shower Apply

Highlights of Shower for Student Representative
1. Opening remarks
2. Introduction of
Student Representative
3. Goals Lecture by 
Stud Representative
4. Goals Interview for
Stud Representative
5. Goals challenge for
Stud Representative
6. Raising of resources for
7. Reception & Networking


Innovations for Student Representative Shower

1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©
4. OPiALiZERS Community©

Shower for Student Representative

In schools, Student Representatives play crucial role serving as contacts, go between, facilitators of communication, helping to solve issues affecting students, sharing  vital information among others.

Student representatives focus majorly on learning that lead to graduating with certificates, athletics, recreation and leisure with little exposure to life situations that require actions. Only after having some post-graduation experience, will they build the capacity to conceptualize solutions to real life situations

The world need students’ representatives who have knowledge of the challenges society is dealing with and are equipped to proffer solutions. Whether they are in junior, middle, higher and tertiary institutions, student’s representatives can drive projects and projects that are not related to certification but that will provide solutions for sustainability.

OPiALiZER Show® Shower for Student Representatives is a platform to express goals they wish to achieve goals beyond their academic certificates that will assist humanity to achieve sustainability goals.

Suitability: The shower is suitable for a variety of situations where a Student Representative need help to achieve goals that will boost their position as student leaders, enhance learning, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and collective action.


Shower for Student's Representative
Purpose: A Student Representative or group of students can use the show to mobilize resources and achieve goals that will enhance their learning, problem solving abilities and general orientation.
a. Provide a platform for expression of goals
Promote peace, cohesion, tolerance, co-existence etc
Galvanize folks from all over the world to achieve their goals.
Promote goals and earn revenue from ticket sales, adverts etc
e. This shower is a forum to network with other and achieve shared goals etc
Provide a Goals Center with Escape Room facilities where current students can go for fun, recreation, fitness, leisure, learning etc.

Whom: Guests will be Student Representative from any field of endeavour who have demonstrable capacity and requisite traits to overcome challenges to achieve goals.

Be guest of a Regular Show and raise resources for Student Rep Goals. Apply
Host an Independent Show and raise resources for
Student Rep Goals Apply
Be a partner, promote, advertise and sell your goods at a
Student Rep Shower Apply

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