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OPiALiZER Show For Organization

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

2d 3d D 4DX Imax 3D


  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins








Organizations are usually set up to achieve profit and non-profit goals leading them to offer valuable goods and services. While focused on their bottom line, organizations also seek to achieve goals relating to social good, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Meeting the needs and expectations of employees is also a crucial goal organizations seek to achieve.
OPiALiZER Show® for Organizations provides entities with the tools they need to achieve goals relating to their products, bottom line, employees, community, sustainability etc.

Purpose: An organization can use the show and the enabling tools to achieve goals and drive a number of organizational operational processes.
a.    Boost sales of organization products
b.    Engage stakeholders on various issues
c.    Organize media engagement sessions to boost organizational and products image
d.    Undertake strategic communications
e.    Provide tools for recreation and leisure of management and staff at work and at home
f.    Conduct surveys and polls regarding products and other organizational operational issues
g.    Boost  customer care management to comfort customers, reduce complaints and attrition and sustain sales
h.    Earn additional revenue from sales of tickets when shows are organized for products
i.    Offer teams tools to solve goal oriented tasks
j.    Promote and advertise products, projects etc
k.    Organize shows to foster workplace harmony, cohesion, tolerance, team spirit etc
l.    Provides a forum to network with other entities to achieve shared goals etc
m.    Showcase and mobilize support for corporate social responsibility and sustainability projects

Suitability: This show is appropriate for organizations whose goals, processes, products, policies, projects etc can be linked to achieving sustainability goals.
Tools: The innovations that will drive the show includes Opia Goals Model©, which will be used to capture the goal to be achieved; the novel OPiALiZER Software©, that will be installed in a computer and used to create a actionable project representing the model; the Opia Goals Sport©, that will be used in a Goals Challenge to showcase how the goal will be achieved and in the process mobilize resources and the novel OPiALiZER Social Media© where projects will be shared and events streamed live.
Entities wishing to organize shows regularly will need to establish an OPiALiZER Goals Centre® that will comprise.
1.    A Goals Model Room furnished with laptops having the OPiALiZER Software© installed to be used for creating  projects based on the framework of the Opia Goals Model© to be showcased during the show.
2. An Opia Goals Sport© Arcade where court(s) for the sport will be installed indoors or outdoors within the vicinity of the center. The sport will be used during a Goals Challenge to actualize the goals model and achieve the goal under focus while also providing a means for learning, fundraising, entertainment, fitness, etc
3.    The court can be customized with any artefact associated with the entity such as name, logo,  tagline, products images, emblems, etc
4.    The size of land required will depend on the size of court desired by an institution. It is generally recommended that a minimum size space of 400ft by 400ft be set aside for an OPiALiZER Goals Centre®

Show Venue: Shows for organizational members can be held in the OPiALiZER Goals Centre® within the premises. Shows involving the public can hold in large spaces such as parks, gardens etc that can take substantial number of persons.
Access to venue: Invitation, Sponsorship, Partnership and Tickets which will be sold here
Whom: For private organizations, personalities that will be lead guests during shows are key decision makers like President, CEO, MD, CFO, COO, Heads of Corporate Communications, External Affairs, Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Care, Sustainability, Media Relations, Marketing, Sales, Research & Development, Product Development, Advertising, Human Resource Management, etc
For other types of entities, the lead guests for shows will be title holders like Director-General, President, Secretary-General, heads of units in areas like communications, sustainability etc
When: Shows for entities can hold to celebrate Founders Day, Birthdays’, United Nations Days, Anniversaries, Ground Breaking, Breakthroughs, Milestone Achievement, Product Launch, Branch Opening etc,
Shows can also hold in the event of an incidence especially those that require leaders to take action.

Show activities: Interviews, entertainment, polls, surveys, fund raising, Goals Challenge, goodwill messages, etc
Special activity: A Goals Challenge is an activity that will make use of the Opia Goals Sport© to demonstrate the attainment of goals and mobilize resources from across the world to achieve a goal.
Frequency of show: Weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly
Target Goal: Actionable ideas & suggestions, policy, raise funds and other resources etc. For example "Start New Business", "Raise fund for Disaster Victims", "End Slavery".
Audience: This show will attract supporters, admirers, followers, enthusiasts, stakeholders etc of an organization, families, groups, communities and organization impacted by the organization, investors, etc from within and outside the state, region, province etc and all that are within the organization’s sphere of influence, who share in the goals of the organization and will turn up to support the realization of goals to be achieved.
Partners: The gathering of thousands of persons, families, groups, organizations, government etc for the show will trigger demand for flight, hotel, taxi, food, drinks camping, insurance, banking etc. Entities interested in providing products should register as our partners

Expected Outcome: Mass awareness, engagements, mobilize resources for action, new projects
Post show engagements: Engagement with leaders and implementation of outcomes

Broadcasting: Live streaming of shows will be on:
1. @Opiaizershow handle on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & X
2. OPiALiZERS Community© when livestreaming of events is fully activated Here
3. Mainstream cable TV broadcast partners including Cable TV Networks  

Order of programme for Organization Show
1.    Opening remarks by Anchor
2.    Introduction of Organization
3.    Goals Lecture by Guest
4.    Interview of Guest
5.    Goals challenge
6.    Mobilization of resources
7.    Reception and Networking


Enabling innovations for the show

1.    Opia Goals Model©
2.    Opia Goals Sport©
3.    OPiALiZER Software©
4.    OPiALiZERS Community©

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