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OPiALiZER Show Partnerships

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

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Partner Registration

Be a Partner of OPiALiZER Show®  
A partner of the OPiALiZER Show® is an entity whose products are vital to the successful hosting of a show or event associated with the show. Shows will be held every week, month, quarter and year and will attract millions of spectators, fans, followers, supporters etc from across the world to show locations. Partnering entities will serve the needs of participants while also achieving their business, sales, revenue, market share, brand goals etc.

Who: Partners will include entities offering local and international services in these sectors:

  1. Airlines: Will fly participants, spectators, fans, followers, supporters of the show and guests from city to city and country to country.
  2. Taxis: In cities across the world where shows will be held, people will need to move from place to place using conventional or ride hailing taxis.
  3. Broadcaster: Who have Cable TV platforms will buy rights to air the show in globally
  4. Telecoms: Who will offer mobile platforms for viewers and audiences to rate the show 
  5. Banking: Before, during and after shows, banks will be involved in varying transactions that will utilize existing or new bank products.
  6. Parks, gardens & event centers: In cities across the world, shows will be held in small, large indoor and outdoor venues.   
  7. Hotel & Resort: In cities where shows will hold across the world, hotels and resorts will provide accommodation for guests, spectators, followers, supporters, partners, sponsors
  8. Insurance: Guests and other participants will mandatorily insure some kits they will use for the show while spectators, followers, supporters, partners, sponsors etc must have international travel insurance.
  9. Food:  Participants, audiences, fans spectators, followers, supporters, etc will eat local and continental foods, confectioneries, snacks and drink water show venues
  10. Brewery: Alcohol beverages will be consumed at the end of the show in different venues

If your business is not listed, please provide it under “Nature of Business: when filling the Expression of Interest form

Why: Having partners will make for the effective and efficient execution of operations in scheduling shows for locations in different countries.

Benefits for partners: Regular patronage of partner products all year round.

Please fill this short form to express your interest to be a partner and we will revert.

We look forward to partnering with you.

Apply to be an OPiALiZER Partner

Terms and Conditions

Potential OPiALiZER Show® Partners

Our Partner’s Become a Partner