News Flash : The Goals Initiative will roll out in 2025 to help entities achieve varied goals   |   News Flash : The OPiALiZER Show will power the Goals Initiative   |   News Flash : The Goals Initiative seminars will sensitize humanity in much of 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024   |   News Flash : OPiALiZER Show Seminars set to begin in mid 2024


OPiALiZER Show Goals

Goals, Agenda, Visions, Expectations

Interviews | Entertain | Network | Resources

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  • 00 Jan 2024
  •  2 hrs 00 mins








Goals are the thrust on which the show revolves. The show is majorly focused on conceptualizing, enriching discourse, understanding and providing thought leadership on goals, promoting goals and mobilizing resources to boost goal achievement. The goals that entities may seek to achieve using the show will have ramifications for society and stimulate new policy, rules and legislation at country or global realms and even trigger new global treaties. If for instance, the goal has to do with protecting a habitat that is not covered by extant treaties, a new treaty need to be negotiated.

Achieving Goals
Individuals, celebrities, families,
groups, communities, institutions, organizations, governments, etc, are welcome to use the show to promote and achieve varied goals that promotes sustainability. Interested entities need to take a Goals Surveys and fill relevant expression of interest forms. While completing forms, you will insert your social media handles in relevant fields, so we advice that you should have them ready. Kindly follow the @opializershow on X, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn.

Personal Goals
An individual, worker, student, couple, family etc seeks to achieve goals relating to education, enterprise, business, housing, health, livelihood, well-being, survival and overall functioning. The show presents a platform and tools for individuals to express and mobilize resources to realize goals, dreams, visions, aspirations etc
Start by expressing your goals and the resources you need here

Attend a show for personal goals
To be guest of a show where you can express and achieve your Personal Goal, fill the
Guest form
Be a partner, then render services and sell goods at shows where guests achieve personal goals
Apply here.

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase talents
3. Network with icons
4. Meet, greet and happy hour
5. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Family Goals
Families play a vital role in shaping the goals of its members. As a unit, families work hard to provide education, housing, health, clothing, leisure, love, affection, security etc for members. As economic agents, families contribute to production activities which earn them income and as consumers their patronage sustains businesses. Families who have committed to achieve a goal that embodies love, care, affection, enterprise, etc and in doing so promote sustainability and our common humanity.
Families should
start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Goals Attend or host shows for family goals
As guests, a family can present and raise resources for Family Goals. Interested families should apply as Guest. Apply Here
Register as a partner, then render services and sell your goods at shows where families achieve their goals.
Apply Here

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase family talents
3. Networking with families
4. Meet, greet and happy hour
5. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Community Goals
A community comprises people with shared identity and located in a geographic space with boundaries. They have common goals, dreams, aspirations etc whose achievement will involve the deliberate pooling of communal efforts.
The goals of a community include infrastructure like roads, bridges, transportation; utilities like water, power; a degree of peace and tranquillity; health, market, leisure facilities and more.
A community can use the show to set, express and achieve goals that will better their situation and attain the limits of their potentials.
Communities should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for community goals
Goals A community that want in utilize the show to raise resources for her goals should apply to Host Show. Apply Here
Register as a partner, then render services and sell your goods at shows where communities achieve goals.
Apply Here.

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the community
3. Network with communities
4. Meet, greet and happy hour
5. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Institutional Goals
A group, school, society, association, etc strive for goals relating to their existence which benefit members when attained. These include goals on revenue, entrepreneurship, research, innovation, expansion, economy, growth, customers, clients and the general public. The show is a veritable platform to express and raise resources from humanity to achieve goals.
Institutions should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for institutional goals
To host a show and mobilize resources for her goals, institutions should start by filling the Host Show form. Apply Here
Be a partner, then render services and sell your goods at shows where institutions achieve goals. 
Apply Here

High point of the show
1.    Goals Challenge
2.    Showcase the institution
3.    Network with stakeholders
4.    Meet, greet and happy hour
5.    Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Corporate Goals
Corporate goals are the overarching targets established by organizational leaders. Leaders create organizational goals to achieve a certain level of output and success. Goals includes sustainability, boost sales, revenue and profit, increase brand awareness and visibility, business survival, increase market share etc. Corporations should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for corporate goals 
Entities that want to host a show and mobilize resources for corporate goals, should fill the Host Show form. Apply Here
Be a partner, then render services and sell your goods at shows where corporate goals are achieved.
Apply Here

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the corporation
3. Promote and sell products
4. Network with stakeholders
5. Meet, greet and happy hour
6. Mobilize resources for goals


Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Corporate Responsibility Goals
Organizations go the mile to focus on and achieve goals that have long and enduring impact on humanity. We are glad to support entities working to achieve individual or group corporate responsibility goals. Examples are Mastercard Foundation Vision 2030, Vision 2050 of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Covenant of Mayors, Project Gigaton 2030 of Walmart, etc. Entities
should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for Corporate Responsibility Goals
Organizations To promote and raise resources for Corporate Responsibility Goals,, corporations can Host a Show. Apply Here
Be a partner, then render services and sell your goods at shows where corporate goals are achieved.
Apply Here.

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the entity
3. Promote entity products
4. Network with stakeholders
5. Meet, greet and happy hour
6. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

National Goals (Visions)
Various countries have national visions with goals that capture a desired state. Countries seek for harmony, security, welfare, peace, expansion, etc. Visions can be showcase on the show to mobilize humanity for support. We are glad to promote the Albania Vision 2030, Ethiopia Vision 2030, Qatar National Vision 2030 Jamaica Vision 2030, Algeria National Vision 2035, Jordan 2025, Saudi Arabia Vision 2030, and Nigeria 2050 and others. National entities
should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for National Goals
To host a show and raise resources for a National Goal, country representatives should request a Host Show Apply Here
To render services and sell goods at a show for a National Goal.
Apply Here

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the country
3. Promote country resources
4. Network with communities
5. Meet, greet and happy hour
6. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Regional Goals
The show will promote goals of regional scale such as to educate, sensitize, enlighten, creating and mobilize people to act right during disasters, epidemics, pandemics requiring regional response, habitat conservation, rescues, funding plans etc. Regional entities like the African Union, ASEAN, European Union, ECOWAS, Arab League etc and others covering the South American, Eurasia, Mediterranean, Middle East, North America etc.Entities wishing to achieve regional goals, should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Host a show for Regional Goal
Shows to promote Regional Goals can be hosted by persons, families, groups, institutions, royals, corporations, regional governmental bodies etc.
A key factor for the success of this show is the influence and capacity of the intending host to network and attract global entities within the region under focus and humanity.
To host a show and mobilize resources for goals, regional entities should request a Host Show
Apply Here
To render services and sell goods at a show for a Global Goal, entities should Apply Here

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the region
3. Promote regions resources
4. Network with stakeholders
5. Meet, greet and happy hour
6. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Global Goals
The show is a platform for galvanizing humanity to act, promote and achieve goals of global dimension such as to educate, sensitize, enlighten, creating and mobilize people to act right during disasters, epidemics, pandemics requiring global response. Shows to promote Global Goals can be hosted by high profile persons, families, groups, institutions, royals, institutions, corporations, governmental and Inter- governmental bodies etc. Entities should start by expressing their goals and the resources needed Here

Organizing a show for Global Goals
A key factor for the success of this show is the influence and capacity of the intending host to network and attract global entities within the region under focus and humanity.
To host a show and raise resources for goals, regional and global entities should request a Host Show
To render services and sell goods at a show for a Global Goal, entities should Register as Partners at

High point of the show
1. Goals Challenge
2. Showcase the entity
3. Promote regions resources
4. Network with communities
5. Meet, greet and happy hour
6. Mobilize resources for goals

Innovations enabling the show
1. Opia Goals Model©
2. Opia Goals Sport©
3. OPiALiZER Software©

Video & photos

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